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Me and my big mouth

So I’ve discovered a new talent. Apparently other than for blowjobs my big mouth is exceptionally skilled at talking when it shouldn’t. Today I told my boss that my customers…
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¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Some rights reserved by KatinkaBille Felicidades a todos por este nuevo año. Les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor, mucha salud, amor, paz, armonía y demás. Nuevas oportunidades se avecinan…
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Saddest new year’s to date. I know that was happens in 2012 stays in 2012 but the memories come with you. Today I got all pretty and was cheerful at…
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Los números de 2012

Los duendes de las estadísticas de prepararon un informe sobre el año 2012 de este blog. Aquí hay un extracto: The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers.…
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Levitación Magnética

Levitación se refiere a la estabilidad en el aire sin nada que te ayude, es decir, “flotando”. Existen varios tipos de levitación, pero en este caso vamos hablar sobre la…
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It’s hard to break a habit

Every Morning I wake up and I look at my phone… and still he’s not there. I have to get used to the idea that no longer  at nights, mornings…
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Over it

I have GOT to find a way over this. I get it, it’s over all I want is to get over it but Damn it’s been a week and half…
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Johnny Cash- Hurt

U feelings everyday Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cash, hate, heart, hurt, Johnny, love, thoughts
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In my Mind

In my mind we were the perfect couple. We wouldn’t necessarily always like the same things but some how we were really alike. In my mind rests all the memories…
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