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Pirates are the 21st century Robin Hoods.

I’m going to be blunt here. There are a lot of grey areas concerning Piracy. People are always saying how that’s bad, and illegal, and how I am bound to got to…
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Piracy is generally used to describe the deliberate infringement of copyright on a commercial scale. Which leads us to ethics; also known as moral philosophy, that involves systematizing, defending, and…
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Piracy – Yeah, it’s a crime. Duh.

 In it’s politically correct version it’s the unauthorized reproduction or use of a copyrighted book,recording, television program, patented invention,trademarked product, etc. But this goes far beyond this too. Piracy affects everyone, if is directly or indirectly. How can you can tell if you are downloading…
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Today we are seeing how day after day the main crime that the government and any creative person is trying to fight against is called piracy. Now the word piracy…
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Piracy – The Grey Side

Alright now tonight I wanna talk a little bit about Piracy. Anyone whose ever downloaded a movie or a song or even taken a picture has most likely heard of…
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