Piracy is generally used to describe the deliberate infringement of copyright on a commercial scale. Which leads us to ethics; also known as moral philosophy, that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct, something our parents teach us when we’re kids. All of this, are attached to what we known as illegal downloading, stealing personal properties and other things. Most of the adults, think that downloading music, books, movies, or any type of content without it being legal, is wrong and some think is right. I think, it’s not something so bad because, why should we pay for something we wont be able to use in a future with this technological advances? I mean, yeah, authors deserve to be paid for what they created but, the payment they ask for is unreasonable. I’m not gonna pay 0.99 per song because, if I do that, I’ll end up paying more than I could pay for an original CD. I buy the CD’s and I also download music through youtube because it’s easier and most of the time we don’t have money to actually buy a CD. The same happens with books, movies, plays, games and more…