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MOOCs: a Flash

MOOCs. Just a quick thought that occurred to me in a flash of awareness, to add to the Cover of Arthur C. Clarke post I wrote a couple days ago.…
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En un instante, en algún momento de mi vida, y en diferentes partes he sufrido por las cosas que pasan a nuestro alrededor. Hace falta la honestidad y de la…
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En cada barrio

by: Estephanie Anidem En cada barrio hay por lo menos un loco, En cada loco hay por lo menos un sueño, En cada sueño hay por lo menos un drama.…
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MOOCs, oh my

Français : Blason de l’université d’Harvard (USA) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Reflections and comments on MOOCs I’d like here to add a few comments to my presentation of yesterday night on…
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Time’s Heartbreaking Boston Bombing Cover (PHOTO)

Time’s Heartbreaking Boston Bombing Cover (PHOTO) I truly find this heartbreaking but it is the magazine’s job to impact especially a Magazine as Time Magazine. I did fin the picture…
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