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Resúmenes INF 115

Saludos compañeros, Me tocó redactar los resúmenes de las clases del miércoles 27 de enero de 2016 y lunes 1 de febrero de 2016. Más adelante encontrarán un breve resumen…
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People To Follow

I found some individuals that I thick could be fun to follow for the class. Pete Cashmore – Founder and CEO of a well known site Mashable and named by…
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Wikipedia 15th Birthday

Recently de website Wikipedia celebrate it 15th birthday. It’s a well non-site use by a lot of people since it basically has everything, good for information or at least basics…
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Dame un “break”.

  Se define a la monotonía como “la falta de variedad en cualquier cosa. El concepto está vinculado a la uniformidad, la ausencia de matices o la igualdad de tonos”.…
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Fresh Start

Just because it’s a new year doesn’t mean things have to continue the way they were. For example, if you had drama with certain people. made mistakes, want to change…
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As We May Wish

What better end of year than talking with my friend Dan over a good pizza and an Aperol  Spritz… and what better occasion than this to begin my blogging year…
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Mapping a Novel

I just finished reading a nice book, a noir first from a relatively unknown new French author with an English name, Julia Deck. Book title is Viviane Élisabeth Fauville (in…
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‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Each day I become more grateful for the people that enter my life and experiences I go through. I know despite the fact that I haven’t been in good situations, that…
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Galería Fusión Isleña

Fuí a la galería Fusion Isleña, localizada en el Centro de Bellas Artes de Caguas. Lleva ahí desde el 2005, nueve años. Esta galeria tiene muchas obras de artes con…
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