Each day I become more grateful for the people that enter my life and experiences I go through. I know despite the fact that I haven’t been in good situations, that doesn’t stop me from doing my thing and shutting people out. Each day I try my best to change for better and learn how to handle certain situations the best way possible. I haven’t had drama in my life and I’m thankful for that because I learned to simply discuss a problem other than make it a bigger deal that what it is. During the end of 2015, I have grown closer to people I never would have imagined becoming close to and I have bonded with my family more than I normally would. I believe things happen for a reason. “Life is a gift, and I don’t intend on wasting it.”  I pray every chance I get, but I don’t just pray for myself, I pray for everybody. Family, friends, and whoever else needs it. I’m a person who doesn’t go to church much but it doesn’t hurt to take time in your day and talk to God. Point is now a days I don’t stress because like I said, I truly believe things happen for a reason so I just go with the flow and live in the moment. If the situation I’m in is good, perfect, if it’s not, that’s okay. It’s life and that bad situation is just temporary and things will get better. Us humans have to view life in a positive way and that’s something I’ve surprisingly learned to do. I used to complain about everything and would look at things negatively. That’s something everybody has to keep in mind, bad things are temporary. Get closer to God and live in the moment and BE WISE.

By the way, I went to the famous fair yesterday, December 21st, 2015 with lovely folks. ???? Just wanted to share this memory with you guys.
