Have you ever wonder what’s the web used for? well, according to Wiley’s Online Library “the web has evolved form being a collection of documents to a collection of interconnected services that interoperate throughout the internet”.

“Currently the web collaborate the huge amount of information logged about user accesses, mining this information to gain dee insights into the web site, it’s usage, and the user visiting pattern” according to the articule published on the IEEE Xplore digital library.

With that being said, this leaves the great question out there… What do we do with such a powerful tool like the internet is? Well, according to reliablesoft.net one of the top search engine to get the most traffic is, without doubt Google — followed by YouTube and surprisingly Facebook goes in fourth place, and we’ve got alexa here to prove that.

This vast fountain of information that, a series of built computers put together to built a cloud, where the citizens could access the data they need from wherever they are, no mater the time. Nevertheless, this could only mean one thing — and that’s the web desperately wanting people to autodidact, since it has all the information you need to learn about any specific subject without needing a degree.

Hope video gives you an idea!

However, the world is changing faster each day and the big companies no longer require a bachelor’s, instead, they’ll be looking for hard and skilled workers. Some of the companies changing the game a little bit, are nothing more and nothing less than Apple and the very same Google.


Very well, this means that the people whom only got the chance to get their high school diploma now have a second chance. You may know a few people out there whom have never been to college and still, somehow got it all figured out; people like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Kylie Jenner, Steve Jobs and the list could go on. Plenty of users around the social media (Twitter) have their opinions, but they’ve all backfired and we have a good example from Musk.



In other terms, this will very much allow people feel relieved, since there will be no need for the students to request a student loan; which according to the nerdwallet.com, just as recent as last year (2019) the student debt was the small quantity of $1.6 trillion dollars. In addition to this information, the 2018 the students that managed to graduate did it with loans and they basically own about $29,200 dollars on average.

This could be used as an example on how long this social media user has been paying her student loan even though she graduated twenty-two years ago. So we’ll hope you let this sink in for awhile. 

There’s still plenty of good things to learn for the internet, no need to spent your money, it’s all here for free; so if you’re looking to become a great chef, go ahead… there’s YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook and even Instagram for that, but in case you’re just looking for a great place to eat with as many calories as we do, stick to this blog!