Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. This week’s topic is Ideal Mash-Ups. This refers to existing pieces of entertainment that are paired up to explain the concept of another product. An example of that would be “Star Wars meets The Hunger Games.”

Photo: Moonlight Woman Rain by cocoparisienne | CC0 Creative Commons Licensed
  1. Anastasia + Furyborn = A story of an orphan with no memories who discovers she has powers that could save the world or end it.
  2. Glee + The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo = A story that explores the path and hardships of becoming the most famous singer of a generation.
  3. The Diviners + Sense8 = A group of people with supernatural abilities are linked to each other and have to solve a murder mystery before it’s too late.
  4. Lie to Me Six of Crows = A group of morally gray people use psychology to solve murders while also causing chaos around the city.
  5. Stranger Things + The Shadowhunters Chronicles = People with supernatural abilities are sucked into a different dimension and have to fight demons in order to survive and return home.

That’s it for my ideal mash-ups! These are probably not the main things I’d like to see in a book, movie or TV show; I completely forgot everything I might like while coming up with this list. But the things I could come up with would be really fun to read/watch. What is your ideal mash-up?