Advertising spot on TV

[Flickr Photo: Advertising Spot on TV, by: Friedhelm A. Brinkmann. CC License.]

Before diving into this topic it is crucial to define both of these terms:

  • Print Media- is a physical copy of a book. newspaper, magazine etc.
  • TV Advertising- is made up of commercials and sponsorships that try to sell customers a product

Both are used to get the attention of others in order to inform them of a particular product or business. They are often confused due to their similarities but both function and can be used in different ways.

Print Media is:

  • Easier to work with since it can be done quicker than T.V. advertising. This can be a benefit since it allows professionals to use trends or daily events to their advantage as well as get the attention of the public
  • When comparing newspapers with news networks, newspapers are often considered to be more legitimate
  • Less costly to publish

TV Advertising allows you to:

  • Use both visual aids and sound to create an impact on their viewers
  • Capture the audience’s interest at all times
  • See the benefits and disadvantages of products among other things

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