Last week I had my last INF class. 

Honestly, I’m going to miss it. I had he class at 8:00am and I didn’t bother to wake up to go to the class. It was interesting. I learned many things and learned to respect author rights. Our professor is great I’ve recommended him to students that will soon take the course because having a profesor that actually likes what he teaches is great for the student body. 

My favorite lesson was about the history of computers. I liked this so much because I use one every day and it seems to be this simple thing that just got to my world. But the creation of it and the minds behind it is amusing. I recently became interested in Alan Turing. Creator of a computer and the man who de-coded the Nazi’s Enigma. His work was under appreciated for decades but the queen then granted his work and gave a recogniziton, one he truly deserved. I hope future students enjoy it as much as I did. I hope I’ll continue my blog because expressing what I really think is important is great.