How long can you “live normally” knowing that you have  several notifications on your mobile phone? How long can you stay relax without knowing it? Studies confirmed that our mobile phones are taking over our lives and we can’t do anything about it. A study taken in the University of Florida and published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, where they studied 150 people to test their ability to stay concentrated during a test without letting theirs notifications from there phones get in there way let us know that we can’t live freely without our mobile devices. As you all may imagine, research shows that our mobile phones are practically connected with us in every single way. This is because they can do just about anything and can integrate in our very own lives.

Something that caught my attention was that they explain that if the volume of the phone was silent or vibrating the attention they got from their owners was minimal. This study also shows that people can’t be multitasking all the time and that the feeling of undivided attention is the one that can make people pick up their phones every single time so they can see if they have a new notification.  You can find the article I’m referring to published in the newspaper El Pais by the author Karelia Vazquez.