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Entry #14: Everyone lives

(Photo: Heaven, by SimonRahn. CC Licensed) Heaven has become too crowded. Because of this, management has started to organize different tests and trials to see who gets to stay and who…
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Resumen de la clase: 24 de abril de 2018

título: What happened to us?; What happened to me?, por: Macarena Carrasco Comenzamos la clase hablando y aclarando dudas sobre las presentaciones. Vale recordar que esta presentación será una formal, no…
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Facebook vs Open & Free Expression and Blogging

That a defense of Facebook et al come from a blogger–a Cuban blogger– has some effects on me. I’m talking about Yoani Sánchez, the Cuban disruptive blogger who taught blogging…
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Entry #13

(Photo: A Beautiful Mind 3, by cea +. CC Licensed) Inseparable twins while growing up; their childhood a beautiful thing. Now, different situations caused one of them to go down…
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Resumen clase del 16/4/18

Comenzamos la clase recordando lo que comenzamos a ver la semana pasada: el lado más problemático de la web y la privacidad. Por otra parte, el profesor menciona que estará…
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Seminario Virtual de innovación educativa / Online Seminar on Innovation in Education

The past 14th April Bernabé Soto organized and moderated a great opportunity to share on Education innovation: The Seminario Virtual de Innovación Educativa, an online videoconference with a few friends…
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Clase 24/04/2018

Fechas importantes dadas en clase Presentación Final: 10 de mayo 10:10am cierran puertas del salón 10am -12 pm   horario dado para presentaciones finales Es un evento Formal Deben llevar…
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Colaboración con:  slytherynprincessusc Documento Word Resumiendo la investigacion \
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Asignacion #5

Dark web/ dark net from Alexandra Gómez Conde En colaboracion con:  Slytherin Princess USC
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