Photo by Alexandro David from Pexels

This course was one of the most challenging ones with everything going on it was really a though one. This pandemic has not only being so frustrating but it has made my mental health a war within itself. The class was amazing , it helped me learned a lot about social media and the false sense of privacy they sell us and how that can affect us. There were days were I lost classes because I was so mentally exhausted that I forgot that to understand things better I had to attend the class but between all that I learned so much about topics I found so fascinating like the Digital coin.

I’m really not looking forward to the next semester if its online I feel like we don’t learn the same, we are in such situations sometimes that doesn’t allowed us to work and it becomes damaging towards ourselves and it doesn’t get better. I wish the university in general understood that. Overall it was a great class, very entertaining, and it was very informative in things I didn’t know about and are very serious.

The best thing I learned is how to managed a website and how to keep certain information still private. What I would change of the course? Probably to be in a classroom again but we can’t so we work on what we can.

In October was were I had the most activity in this website.

The web and I:

Home, About, and contact:

The Web, Internet and Ip Address:

Feedly And RSS:

3 Of Each:

Privacy, is it really a thing?:

Digital Coin and bitcoin:

A little About me:

Bitcoin Presentation: