As a photographer myself, most of my work consists of taking selfportraits of myself. I’ve been doing it for about a year now and it has become my trademark. Taking self portraits can be an amazing way to find your style. if you dont like it then don’to do it, but at least try it. You might be imporessed with the work that you create using yourself as model and director. When I first started taking self portraits of myself, the main reason was that I didn’t want to go out for the trouble of looking for a model on such short notice and I didn’t want to worry on the model’s time where and where se could be my subject. So I decided to do it myself in my home. The theme of the photographs to give in the next week was: Harsh, Subtle and rasant light. So, I placed myself on the corner of my art studio with an old spotlight that my Dad had given me and I put the self timer on my SLR and started posing. I was truly amazed with how my body movements worked in sync with the camera. I wasn’t ashamed of my body or if I looked weird posing at all. I’m a naturally reversed and timid person, but when you look at my photographs, it’s the most confident I’ve felt.

I used to think that taking self portraits was just a cocky way to show what you have and rather a narsacistic way to show yourself given that social media these days just shows us photograph of people that the rest society says that its “beautiful” with their perfect poses and perfect skin. In a way it still is like that, but times are changing and self portraits are not just about looking absolute best in a photograph; it never was. Society and social media just made it focus on their side of “beautiful”. Self portraits are about taking a photograph that shows a large percentage of who you really are, even if you don’t know, the camera knows and the person in the photographs knows.

Taking self portraits is a beautiful way to find your photographic style and how to be confortable with yourself when the lense is on you. You get comfortable with your body and you’re not afraid to strike a pose because it’s just you and the camera having a conversation. It’s like a dance, you both are in sync and nothing else can bother you. So try new things, dance while your taking a photograph, lie on the floor, do a dramatic pose. You’d be amazed on how much you’re going to love it.

Here are some of self portraits I’ve taken in the last year.
