The Internet has become a part of my everyday life and I feel like I depend on it way too much. Every time I wanna fact check something, find entertaining videos, research a topic or seek advice on certain things I go directly to Google. I believe it’s very beneficial to have access to so much information all at once but at the same time I think we depend on it way too much. When we can access all this information and content instantly it feels like the Internet, in some cases, is the easy way out. A good example of this might be when a student needs to read 200 page book for a test but he/she feels like they don’t have the time or they simply don’t want to read the book. In this case, instead of reading the book the student can do a quick search online and find different summaries of the book, an audiobook version, which is convenient for students who don’t enjoy reading, videos discussing the important aspects of the book or even different exams of the book that have been uploaded online. I can admit that I did this many times when I was in high school. There were times that I didn’t have the book or simply didn’t wanna put in the time or the effort that reading a book required. All the information I can access by just opening my browser has made me lazy, it has given me an easy way out for certain situations. If I have to do a difficult math exercise, I know there are many sites where I can enter the math problem and the site will show me step by step how to solve the problem. With access to this type of site, I can do every math problem correctly, show “my process” and it’ll look like I did the math problems on my own.

Something that bothers me to a certain point is the idea of social media. I hate that I am a part of it sometimes. Let’s take the concept of posting a story for example. You can post “stories” on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and even WhatsApp. I don’t have a problem with people posting stories of what they do everyday but people get so used to posting stories they post pictures of what they’re eating, who they’re with, where they are or what they’re watching. It feels like people want their followers to know what they’re doing at all times. An example that comes to mind when I talk about this is people who post multiple stories when they’re at a concert, if you think about the person who posted the stories spent most of the concert staring at their phones while they recorded and uploaded multiple stories. Some people seem like they simply like to keep their friends updated on what they’re doing but in some cases it seems like they just want to get a reaction out of people. When you post a story, people can reply and you can see how many of your followers viewed it. With social media, we dive so deep into the lives others we stop focusing on our own lives. People just sit with their phones in hand and watch the lives of others as they keep uploading to their social media pages. We get so bored with our own lives that we have to see what other people are doing with theirs.