I use the web on a regular basis. Some might consider it unhealthy but I am almost always on my phone, usually on Instagram connecting with strangers or on Youtube watching videos on many different subjects, but mostly watching clips from Conan O’Brien’s show, which is my favorite late night tv show. I also listen to alot of music and podcasts on Spotify, and recently I have started to binge plenty of television shows and movies on Netflix. I also use the Internet to inform myself on different things that catch my attention, whether it be politics, to news in the world of cinema, scientific advancements and whatnot. I make a habit of writing different things to look up on the notes in my phone. Now I have access to a Twitter account, which I have never owned thanks to this class, as well as a full range of possibilities through this blog that I had never had before. My relationship with this amazing marvel of human technology has evolved over time, from my first email account back in the days of dial-up internet, trying to speak to my cousin over in California, to the smartphone era, where Wifi signals stream bountifully through out millions of square miles connecting the globe. The way I see my future as an artist, the Internet will be my primary channel of interaction with my audience. Therefore it is amazing to know that in this class I will be able to finally add my own personal imprint in a new and creative way that while accessible to many, very few take the time and effort to implement. I love the fact that you, dear reader, now get to share my thoughts with me, that you get to take a peek into what goes on in Julio Pujols’ mind, as f***ed up, weird, and unfiltered as it may be. And that in turn, I have the equal opportunity to delve into your own works and streams of consciousness with ardent curiosity and interest. I heartily look forward to the experience. Before I bless (or curse) you with my randomness, I invite you to fathom the concept that most of us take for granted. Have you ever taken a moment to realize the incredible tool you possess at the moment. You are currently using the greatest database in history. A dynamic, almost infinite source of information that only keeps expanding with the accumulation of human knowledge. Right now, you can access the majority of what Homo Sapiens has learned since our origin until the present day. To the humans of the past, this omniscience was only attributed to deities and spirits, and now it is but a mundane part of our existence. I wonder if this is now, what sorts of things we presently consider impossible will become normal in the future. Will it be for our betterment, harnessing technology for the greater good? Or will the constant flow of data drown us in its depths, dooming humanity to a state of virtual life and fantasy? On that note, I will now leave some items here that show what I use the internet for. Enjoy!!!

https://www.cracked.com/article_27090_5-unknown-people-who-shaped-history-while-being-lunatics.html (Funny Article)

https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/local/school-bullying-trump-words/?itid=hp_hp-visual-stories-desktop_no-name%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans (Global News)

Did I emphasize how much I love Conan?
Stuff I take pictures of

As I said, I love Conan.