In this post I’ll basically be explaining(or at least try to, bear with me I am so bad at this), at least for me, the importance of training with gymnastics rings.

[GMB Fitness Youtube]

Once I started to take workouts more seriously probably one of the first implements I got was the gymnastics rings, why? Well… why not, right? But seriously one of the main reasons I got them was the endless possibilities of owning them, you can basically use them anywhere you want, the are very portable and offer a lot of things that weights, and bodyweight alone won’t give you

When I started using these rings, I had no one to teach me how to use them, how to work around them. But luckily we all have the internet to thank for endless knowledge. So that is what I did, spent hours on youtube, understanding, reading endless articles on different applications on how to use the rings. I’m a pretty fast learner at least in the things I love, or have great interest in. The other day I was watching a video on youtube and I heard the phrase “If you love it you will teach yourself, if you don’t love it others will teach you” With Youtube there are no excuses not to learn anything. Literally everything is there, coupled by well read documents found all over the internet, this is how I learned basically everything I am able to do today from crossfit, yoga and now calisthenics.

[Carl Paoli Youtube]

One of the biggest help was this man(video playlist above) Carl Paoli, it was one of the first people that came up once I started researching on how to do the muscle up which by that time was like my all time goal. There is something in his words that it greatly caught my attention. The way he explained it on how to achieve the muscle up opened my eyes and after a few tries I got my first muscle up, then I worked towards the strict muscle up, and in no time I also got that one down as well.

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Then I started looking for ways to implement the rings into my workouts, so that is what I did. I searched all over youtube and internet Workouts to do with gymnastics rings, from bodybuilding, crossfit, gymnastics and calisthenics. I started learning more and more as I went along my journey to try and master my bodyweight with these rings. I shifted more and more to using them in my daily routines, even if it was just a regular day at the beach, I brought them and hang them wherever I could to get a quick workout done.

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I can’t think of any other equipment that is this important to me, even though I have taken a break from them in the past few weeks, but I still try to squeeze in some skill training with them here and there. They have opened my eyes to the possibility of literally being able to workout anywhere, all I needed was just some creativity even if I don’t use or have the rings. There is always a way to get the workout done, the rest are just excuses