Flickr photo: Connections by deargdoom57. CC-licensed BY.

The Puerto Rico Connection **the podcast** has just started up and we already have a few  coincidences from the White House and the media. From Saturday Night Live these two segments show Washington’s renovated interest for Puerto Rico.

Kate McKinnon acting out as Kellyanne Conway is notoriously hilarious, but this segment  is real fun.

Then, this one, with Baldwin-Trump pronouncing the name of the country. I don’t need to say more. Enjoy.

Since the full McKinnon episode is so enjoyable, here it is unabridged.


Now, wait for the second episode of the Puerto Rico Connection–the podcast, because it will be worth the while.

[Featured image–Flickr photo: Connections by deargdoom57. CC-licensed BY]

The post Another Puerto Rico Connection appeared first on Skate of the web.