The moment you realize you want to be a photographer is a special one. You want to show the world your point of view by giving a message through your photos. But sometimes, people you know tend to under-appreciate that passion. When they say “You are going to starve if you pick this career”, “It is a waste of money “ they don’t realize how much that hurts who you want to become. But you should never let anyone measure how far you can go. I won’t tell you to ignore them, because even this eventually becomes a hard task. There may be a time you think they are right, and you start doubting on your talent, but before you let it consume you, you should know this is all just another progress of growing. Reality will be cruel, but the point of growing is to develop the perseverance to strive past that and hold on to the things that matter to you. I LOVE taking pictures. There is not a day that passes where I don’t find something new to photograph. And regardless of what people may say about it, I really cant imagine myself trapped in the monotony of an office. My world is in the inside my camera and the places, things and people I capture in it. And I would much rather live another day doing what I love than live by everyone’s expectations. Eventually, in our lives, it’s up to us to prove everyone wrong and exceed in our work. It’s the only way we can strive for a tomorrow.