Funny thing huh? How in a fashion blog my two first post are absolutely nothing about clothes. But do not worry we will get there, and most important we will stay there for a long while. Disregarding this lets talk about, firstly, bones. Why? Well because bones are the basic structures that hold our bodies solidly together. Bones also make our human bodies look beautiful. Perhaps lets talk about our pelvic bone, and how beautiful, this specific bone, makes low rise bikinis look. Lets then talk about the absence of these visible bones and the beauty this factor also brings. Specifically our buttock, how the absence of the bones that connect our hips to our legs brings attention to the certain part of the human body that is the “butt”. Another important aspect of our bones is that these are the hangers for the second layer, before clothes, our bodies wear.


[Photo: Hueso by Carol C. License CC.]

Skin. Skin, skin, skin… oh how beautiful does this aspect of us makes our nakedly imperfect bodies look. This my friends is the reason why we wear clothes. We want to hide this part of us from the outside world, sometimes because we want to wait for the right person, to make others comfortable, sometimes because we are insecure, and sometimes just simply because of temperature. Regardless of the reason our everyday fashion, for those of us who wear clothes, is based around covering some parts of our skin. And here it begins.

in the boxe

[Photo: in the boxe by Melissa Segal. License CC]