
Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing something that I may regret later on!
It’s a little embarrassing but what I’m sharing with you is–  kiiinda  –my first short film.

Now, the reason I say “kinda” is because back when we made it, I wasn’t intentionally going for a short film, we just started shooting with no idea on where it was going, but as we kept working on it, it started building itself into something. It was made almost 3 years ago and of course, nothing’s perfect, it has flaws, things about it that I see now and I totally regret doing or just wish that I did differently–  but that’s part of it, that’s how you grow and learn, it’s normal. On the flip-side, there are some things that I really do love about it, though I won’t talk about it here… I’ll just let you guys watch it yourselves.


It ended up being a 12 minute video, that when I look at it now, it could pass on as a short.
So that’s why I say “kinda”, because it looks and feels like a short, but it wasn’t intentional.

I accidentally made my first short film…