the moment i become productive

[Flickr Photo: the moment I become productive, by: Bunga Mawar. CC License.]

Productivity gives us a sense of purpose. It drives us to do certain tasks or archive goals that may have seemed difficult at the time. When the task at hand is completed we feel accomplished and fulfilled. However according to an article called “Why Productivity Is Counterproductive” this feeling can be misleading.

This article talks about how we have a tendency of feeling accomplished when we:

  • Use special apps that help us get more organized
  • Change the appearance of our homes
  • Do other tasks and chores

Even though you are getting some work done when attending to these tasks, it’s not nearly as productive as when doing work that is takes more time and is longer.  It may seem more tedious and problematic to do such chores but in reality it is much more significant since you have to be even more committed to it.

This can lead us to ask ourselves the following question: How productive are we really?

To learn more about this topic you can read the following link: