Oh internet, that wonderful place we spend hours and hours looking at memes, searching what movies has Kevin Bacon been in, and whatsapping our squad. But, have we ever thought we can live without it? Personally, I don’t see myself tossing it aside any time soon. As a two blogs owner and a a human meme library, the thought of been a week without the use of the internet sounds unbelievable and hard to even process.

I happen to use the internet from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep, it’s essential and a necessity in my daily life. A lot of you might think I’m 24/7 on my phone and that at a certain point might be true, but aren’t we all always checking for notifications, scrolling through facebook and watching snapchat stories? And not just for social media, a lot of people’s jobs are based on the internet and most students take classes online.

So, do I find the internet to be a bad thing? No, in the contrary, it has become a great tool, and without it I couldn’t do most things that require it. It can be distracting at times, but it can be managed. For me is a necessity do to the occupations a aspire to achieve that are cinematography and blogging. My greatest teacher has been the internet and the vast information it holds.

And a question we often ask ourselves, can we go back in time and live without the internet? My answer to this is that we can, because everybody in the past did. I would aspire to have another career that didn’t include the usage of it, but knowing now that what I’m passionate about requires its usage, I couldn’t see myself living without it.

Lets face it, our lives would look a bit like this without it.