I use the internet more likely for social media, as a student that’s studying Communications social media is a big aspect in my career choice. Obviously, I also use it for information and entertainment. The internet is a place where you can find and do a lot of activities by the comfort of your phone, tv, or even laptop. I use twitter to get updated on what things are happening worldwide, tumblr to find high quality pictures, Facebook to communicate with my friends and post a lot of controversial topics to educate people, and Snapchat to broadcast anything I might be doing at the moment.


Social Media Icons

(Social Media Icons by Samara Gerard License CC)

The internet has had a big impact in my life in a positive and negative way. It affects me in a positive way because it helps me communicate with my friends and even share my personal photographs, etc. The negative part is that it has become some kind of an addiction towards social media always trying to know what’s the new gossip on the internet.

I would and wouldn’t survive without the internet if I went to the past because the internet has given us an advance and an easy way access to finding information or other stuff, but its an addiction in part and I’ve been a long time without the use of technology so I can live without it too.