
[photo: Internet by Beshef. License CC]

Last year more than 3 billion people around the world were accessing the world wide web. No doubt that internet has become a crucial part of our daily life. Not a day goes by that I don’t search the web, actually, not an hour goes by that I do not check my phone. We access our social medias unconsciously as if we can’t continue the day without scrolling through our timeline. It has even become part of my morning routine, everyday I wake up to see the messages on my phone and check the latest news without even leaving my bed. We have made it so important to read what social media has to say about what went on in the latest award show or celebrity scandal. like for example, the morning after the Grammy’s my twitter feed was all about Beyonce’s performance and how it left everyone speechless.

The internet has changed some things and some people say it’s bad, while others say it’s good. I have always said that it’s a positive change; the internet has been able to open so many doors for so many people, it has connected us in ways that seemed impossible in the past. With the help of the internet we can tweet our friends and talk to them in just seconds. Even though, some people say that students aren’t learning anything these days, because all they do is search up the answer on Google and in some cases this might be true, but this isn’t Google’s only use; if students are lost in class, or forget how to do something, or need research Google can help them and provide answers, not only for students, but for all people. I get why people would say it’s a bad influence on kids, because is a distraction for them or because they choose to ignore the world around them, but I choose to believe it’s not all bad. I won’t argue that it’s sometimes a distraction, but the same time it gives the kid a way to escape, it provides the person a way to relax and it gives them the control to build their own little world. Whether people like it or not the internet is future and it is certainly good change, instead of looking at the negative side we should start looking at how the internet can help people.

I don’t think I could be able to live without the internet, not only because I grew up with it, but because everything about me is on the internet, on my Facebook, on my Twitter, Instagram, etc. If I were to lose my phone or computer I would probably rush to the store to purchase another one. The internet is the way I communicate with my friends when we are not together, it provides fast answers and living in this day and age, where everyone is in a rush to get things out of the way, the internet is the way to go. However, I do believe some people take it to far and do nothing BUT stay on their phones all day and even when surrounded by family or friends they choose to read their timelines and avoid social interactions. There is a life beyond the screen and I believe everyone should take time off their phones to enjoy it, even if for a little while. But since, I log into my social media everyday I don’t think I can live without it for the rest of my life, but I can maybe stay a couple of days without internet and enjoy life for a while.

[video: Life, Without Internet or Mobile Phone by Arian Arif. License CC]