When I think of the web I automatically focus on social media. I usually check YouTube or Twitter to learn about whats happening around me, to look up funny pictures or gifs, or to find out what my friends have posted.

However, there is a lot more to the web than just that. It can be used for a variety of reasons such as looking for a job, making transactions, and learning about what is happening around us and worldwide.


photo” LinkedIn” by: Gal Mor. License CC

Furthermore, it can also be used to learn new things such as a certain language or culture. It’s because of these reasons that i think the web is very helpful since it easily accessible and it allows me to do things more easily online.

187|365 English Central Command ~ Random

photo “187|365 English Central Command ~ Random” by: Greg. License CC

In conclusion, would i go back in time and live in an era without the World Wide Web? In all honesty no. If Ive learned anything about this day and age it is that there is a constant necessity to be connected with the world around us and i wouldn’t give that up because I’m very dependent to this modern lifestyle. The following video further explains what I am referring to:

WHY should we use internet? || top reasons ||