
{Photo: Periodismo by Esther Vargas. License CC}

Happy finals week, everyone! I hope you pass all of your exams and get the grades you want???? For our class, we had to do a research project on how technology has affected different industries. Our group did our presentation on technology and journalism.  We interviewed five different experts in the field, covering topics like virtual reality, hacking, ethics in journalism, among others. Here’s a video of our presentation:

I’m also publishing a written summary of our presentation, you can find the link here.

It was a super interesting project because it truly was a group effort, and we learned a lot about the process of finding sources and conducting interviews. All of the people we interviews we extremely knowledgeable, and I think everyone learned a lot. Being that this is the final assignment, this is my final post (for now). Thank you to everyone who’s followed and read my posts over the course of the semester.