Tarea #7 Time line (Alan Turing)- Sección 6

Tarea#8  Elecciones en Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos   tarea numero 8

Tarea#9 la indicada.

total de post en mi blog 15 post.

Lo mas views que obtuve fueron 148

5 tareas fueron entregada.

At first i thought that i wasn’t going to get anything I already know out of this class. But I have to say i learned much more in my first semester of college than I did through out high school when it comes to programming and using different computer apps. I also got the chance to build a blog which I enjoyed very much specially when people started to like my blog and even comment on it. I strongly recommend everyone to try to make a blog about anything you like and just write about it. It is really fun and a lot of people do it as a hobby. My experience in this class was great. Even though I barely had time for the class because I was getting use to college I did enjoy it. Also most of the home works were fun. You get to learn shortcuts on how to use different apps and programs and trust me it will help out. I strongly recommend taking this class. Thank and merry christmas.