Buenas tardes mis amigos del web????  I just want to tell you all about my day yesterday. So, I recently started working at a seasonal kiosk in Plaza Carolina. I was on the whole day, and I thought that the Christmas parade had been the day before. I was wrong, and I realized I was going to be smack in the middle of the parade, being that our booth is right next to the Christmas tree. It was fabulous! There were pleneros, dancers, children, adults, and people dressed up in all sorts of costumes.

We had to put divisions around our booth because of how close it was to the parade. I could barely move around the booth. But it was so much fun, and it was such a positive energy throughout the whole mall. I couldn’t have picked a better day to be working, it barely felt like work.

The parade’s also gotten me really excited for the rest of the Christmas season. I actually can’t wait for the pasteles, coquito, and the fiestas????  That’s all for today, hasta la proxima????