Good and bad days what can I say we all go through them. Its normal, nothing new to this world. Good days in a long distance relationship can be tied together with feelings such as: happy, chill, exited and grateful. But bad days …. man those are killers. one of the first things I said about long distance is that every word you throw out their can be interpreted in so many different ways. everything is so sensitive. Good days pass on by and were not even thankful for that because we take them for granted. When bad days arrive we tend to take the easy way out just for the hell of it but when you think it through by yourself its much more clear to see. Bad days brings out the bad of us. Its that inner person inside you that takes over in a second and says stuff that your normal self would not say and when you realise it its too late that nasty person inside you did his job to put you through the test to see if you either give up and just let it be or take responsibility and make things right. Bad days come at you like a fast ball and you to time your patience like the batter times the ball. once you time the ball perfectly you start hearing the sweet spot and see how nice it is. you must do the same with your patience time it and you will see the results of a better you and a healthier relationship. Bad days can take over as fast a wild fire but the great thing about it  you have the power to calm that wild fire and eventually putting it out. Then again it takes patience. Don’t let bad days get the worst of you and knock you down get up every single time and fight back for what you want and believe in because if it goes away and never come back its on you and you have to live with that. good days are easy thats why we take them for granted but since its like that, start putting in work for the bad days its worth it. patience is key and even when things look tough sometimes you just have to breath and face the music but don’t ever give up on what you love and truly care about specifically if you see that person sharing a future beside you…….
