Speechless on what to say. All I can say it’s that I am really disappointed and besides that I feel dull on what to think. Almost everybody here at Puerto Rico are seeing the negative part of all this and not seeing the benefits and the big thing we just evaded. Yes in case you didn’t know Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said if Hillary won, he would declare war on the US. And now that there might be a big alliance between Rusia and the United States, it could be for the best. But that doesn’t take out off the table the racism towards latinos that Trump has and he’s plans for us. Riots has risen against the American Flag and Trump all over the US. People here at Puerto Rico are running over the American Flag in protest against the US taking control of our laws. And worst of all, people are living in fear now just because of the elections. Time will tell if it’s for the best or worst. All there is now is hope for a brighter future without fear like right now. And as for the elections in Puerto Rico. The PNP have one again, bringing what every young intelligent people didn’t wanted. The same parties win every year and the young wanna change that and they are mad because the favoritism still exists. We wanna see change but we are still happy that independent parties made really good progress, broke records, and shows that next year’s election just might be the change we have been waiting for. So to Lugaro and Cidre. I say stay strong one of you will get your chance next election.

Picture: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore. License CC