[Photo by Vogue ]


Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was one of the most celebrated figures of the 1920s.  Along with her husband, novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda epitomized the spirit of the times: carefree, fun-loving, and living for the moment.  In the early 1920s, Scott and Zelda had the world at their feet.  Fitzgerald was a rising star in the literary world with the publication of his first novel, This Side of Paradise, and was seen as the unofficial spokesman for an entire generation.  Zelda, meanwhile, is credited as being the first true “flapper” and symbol of the age in her own right.

But Zelda’s private struggles betrayed her glamorous public persona.  Unsatisfied to remain in her husband’s shadow, Zelda made numerous attempts at building her own career.

If you want to know more about Zelda Fitzgerald, the iconic flapper, whose glory and despair have come to define the Jazz Age, have a look at this presentation that I made for my class of INF 103.

Link #1: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NTS0-tM8939j_ez0t2GDFUIlf2lrvvS_nasavKwl5x8/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Link #2: http://bit.ly/2er64T8