Last week, I took some time to visit La Galería del Arte in my university. They’re currently displaying the exposition “Petrofósil” by Jaime and Javier Suárez

Jaime and Javier are twin brothers. They were born in Colombus, Ohio in September of 1982. They received their bachelor’s degrees in Art at La Universidad de Puerto Rico. They went on to get master’s degrees in artistic production with specializations in public art from La Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in Spain. The twins describe their latest exposition as “a series of black screens made from carbon and tar”.

These were some of my favorite pieces:

“Petrofósil #2” by Jaime and Javier Suárez
“Petrofósil #3” by Jaime and Javier Suárez

The exposition will be in the gallery until October 15th. I recommend that you check it out!