
[blog: Photo by: Javier Domínguez Ferreiro. Licence CC]

Well, I’m not the kind of person who is too focused on competing. I also like to help, give opinions and support to others. Here is a small list of interesting blogs made by my fellow classmates. 

Humans of Sagrado 

Have you ever heard of Humans of New York? Well, my university likes to put a spin on things; and so, this was created. Just like Humans of New York, it tells stories about people. In my university’s version, it presents stories about students around campus. If you are an aspiring artist or someone who dreams big, these stories will inspire you even if you don’t study in USC. Hey, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus has one of these. I always asked myself how come no one has created one in USC, the home of writers and journalists. I applaud the creator for finally taking this chance and bringing something new to the university.

The Antonmattei Project

Are you someone who enjoys that nice smell of coffee? Maybe, you like the pungent aroma of food that enters your nose when you arrive to a restaurant. Well, you have found your home. This website has everything about Puertorican food, restaurants and lifestyle. Don’t worry, non-Spanish speakers; this website is in English. It’s both aimed at visitors and residents of the island. As an adventurer, I recommend it for those who want to get out of their dorm, apartment, hotel or house. 

La GringaRican

The author was actually born in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when she was really young. That explains the name “GringaRican.” It’s basically about her experiences as an exchange student at my university. If you are considering going to another country to study, this might help by giving you a small glimpse of life as an exchange student. I find it pretty interesting because I have always wondered how exchange students see Puerto Rico. Is it hotter than their home country? Is it better or worse? Is the 100 degree weather normal even though winter is just around the corner?