I’ve been using the internet ever since I have use of reason. My dad was a computer technician, so I’ve had a computer for myself since I was 5 years old. The internet has obviously become a part of my daily life since I was very young. For just looking up images of cartoons, or using MSN Messenger to chat with friends.

But it wasn’t until my teens that it became an essential part of my life, like for homework in school, or to provide a better customer service at work.

My daily ritual begins with turning off my alarm from my phone and immediately checking if I had any mentions on Twitter, see what my friends were up to in Facebook, and then proceed to check on app games. I proceed with my morning, and depends on where the day takes me, I’ll use my phone to check the GPS, and plug it to the aux cord to listen to my Spotify playlist. I’ll use my cellphone all throughout the day, for social network or games, or my iPad for classes. Once out, I’ll most likely do online window shopping at Amazon.com, if I have homework I’ll use my laptop. When I finally have time to loose, get on any of my gaming consoles and go to Netflix or play online with someone.

Basically, for the internet has become a sort of lifeline for progress and entertainment. The world today couldn’t handle existing without internet.