Tuesday, September 6, 2016 we were discussing in class about Google.  A new thing that I learned was that Google knew we were in Puerto Rico because of our IP Address (Internet Protocol).  We were trying different things with Google like putting an equation, changing the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and the area of Pi (?) which a calculator appeared on the screen with the answer.  Another interesting thing that I discovered about Google Translate is that if you copy the link of an article and paste it on Google Translate you get the article on the language you need it to.

The best part was exploring Google Maps.  I did an example by putting the directions towards Ponce, which, by the way is like two hours of driving and almost 24 hours walking.  Then, I went where it says Earth where you can go around the globe.  I chose Rome and this amazed me the most because I could see their beautiful buildings and their streets in 360° movement.  This experience was really interesting and fun to do.


[foto: Google por Open Grid Scheduler/Grid Engine. Licencia CC]