I feel like sometimes we take the internet for granted. Anytime we have an opinion about a storyline or a wrestler, we can quickly take to Twitter or Instagram and post our thoughts for the whole world to see. But it wasn’t always like that. 25 years ago none of that was a thing. Wrestling news came from the magazines (Like PWI a.k.a. Pro Wrestling Illustrated) that were produced and kayfabe (Character and storyline)  was protected with ones life. If you had a thought then you could only share it with your friends and if you wanted to see a content from a promotion that you didn’t get on your television you would trade or buy video tapes to watch them or just read about them in the magazines I previously mentioned.

Now a days if we want to watch a wrestling match from the indies or a few years ago we just look for it on youtube. And holy crap can you find some hidden gems! How many people know that CM Punk and AJ Styles had a title match in Ring of Honor? (Which is amazing by the way!)

[Video by: Ring of Honor Wrestling https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4_uDa6w1kOyzsikIzReCKQ Title: ROH Anniversary Flashback: CM Punk vs AJ Styles – Pure Title Tournament Finals. Licence cc]

Bottom line there is no denying that the internet had changed the way the busniess works. From wrestlers using their real name on their social media to being able to interact directly with them. Is it a blessing or is it a curse? I’ll leave that up to you.

Which brings me to the other point. We all use the web on a daily basis but its so sad how little we know about it. This week in my informatics class the professor taught us about different ways of making a web search and other uses for Google. Did you know that it could solve math equations? If I had known that a few years ago, I might have not of gotten a C- in Alegbra II in highschool. I also learned how to properly use Google maps and how you can viturally see other parts of the world in the comfort of your own computer. Seeing a vivid image of the Tokyp Dome was a moment of pure joy and marking out for me. But the coolest thing I learned was that you can put in a link unto Google translate and it can transform the language on that web page to whatever you need. That is really gonna come in handy. So if you got problema reading my blog, copy and paste the link unto Google translate and give it a whirl. I promise you won’t be dispointed.

Well that’s all for now people. Stay weird.

-PJ Cage