Kevin Kantor – “People You May Know”

“When I told my brother, he also asked me why I didn’t fight back. Adam, I am right now, I promise. Every day, I write a poem titled ‘Tomorrow’.  It is a handwritten list of the people I know who love me. And I make sure to put my own name at the top.”

[ Video by BuzzFeed ]

Kevin Kantor, in his rousing performance of “People You May Know,” confronts the difficult issue of being a survivor of sexual violence.

This poem, which can be found in his first ever chapbook “Endowing Vegetables With Too Much Meaning,” was written by Kantor, in hopes that people understand that …”His survival mirrors that of female survivors being told that they were asking for it; and that we should all be striving for gender equality and to break down patriarchal notions of how things work.”