by Natalia Rosado


  The generation of procrastination students is doing good thanks to the World Wide Web. The impact it has done since its creation has been remarkable and widely recognized for any type of business. It all started with just one person Tim Berners-Lee who invented the web in 1989 with the idea that this system helps make links available anywhere. When Tim was working as a software engineer at CERN he noted how difficult it was to share information, even having to use new programs so co-workers could see the information. He saw a way to use a program and the connection of many computers with the internet as a base to help out this little big problem of sharing information. After seeing the control a person could have of the web Tim made sure that the company have a royalty free basis policy. In 1994 founded the WORLD WIDE WEB CONSORTIUM (WC3) which basically explains the net neutrality. In 2009 Sir Tim created the WORLD WIDE WEB FOUNDATION so it can keep growing in knowledge and enhance the participation. 
  Although this creation has been advantage this generation has, it has created a problem for public libraries since they have been a gradual decline with statistical reports showing in the United States, Canada and Britain. To me this has been a big problem here in Puerto Rico cause there is a limit in topics and bookstores; not to mention the budget cuts for the states archives. This limits us in a way the internet or the web does not do. The difference in technology now is something that I have grown and lived. Knowing how in the 6th grade my essays or reports had to be done in the library versus now in college being able to use my phone for references. Even my father has told me his hours spent in a library at college for reports or study base and the occasional complaint on how easy it to do the assignment that I am just leaving for the last minute. 

Here is a documentary on The World Wide Web: How the World Wide Web just happened


by Natalia Rosado