
Christina Aguilera is working on not 1 but 2 albums one of them in English and the other in Spanish. Its was all revealed on a segment of the Today Show we’re Aguilera was talking about her humanitarian work in her trip to Ecuador on recent weeks and how it was special since she is half Ecuador the family side from her father are latin. Christina is no stranger singing in Spanish she released a Spanish album “Mi Relefjo” (2001) and over the year has made some featuring in the same language. She’s been hard in the studios working on both her last album was in 2012 “Lotus”.

It was also reveled this week by FOX that Christina Aguilera is coming back to The Voice season 10. The show is scheduled to star in February on 2016 with Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams. Plus she is coming back to the series Nashville for some episodes since joining last year the show.