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Hello guys! Today I bring you an animation short created by my favorite YouTuber: CutiePieMarzia. She made a Halloween collaboration with Netty Scribbles and that’s how Moonlight was born, also out of Marzia’s love for creepy/horror elements as well (as many of her Marzipans know). Have you ever been witness of a paranormal event? Have you ever met a person at a certain location only to realize that they weren’t really there, but rather a phantom of someone who died at that same location? I know many people have gone through that, just the other day my INF-103 class classmates and I were at the library preparing our final presentation when suddenly the topic of ghosts came up. One of them spoke of the ghost of a girl that had been haunting her cousin ever since she started high school and how she was now in her forties the ghost was still attached to her. Another classmate talked about how her bother was in a room and suddenly felt someone pull on his feet while he slept and saw a weird light above him, they later told him it was probably the ghost of his uncle saying ”Hello” because that used to be his room. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me, I’ve only had moments where at my old house I’d use to hear the front gate open and hear steps on the stairs but no one was there, maybe it was my imagination but I’ll never know. Something similar happens in this creative short.

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The short begins with a cartoon version of Marzia going to her mailbox to get her letters, she then walks inside the elevator and just when she was about to go up someone stops the elevator by putting a cane between the doors. They open to reveal a small old man with a big nose and large glasses. He gets inside the elevator next to Marzia and presses the button to the floor above her’s. She keeps her distance from the old man yet she keeps looking at him, then notices a music sheet rolled up in his pocket. When the old man notices her staring she turns away nervously and once the elevator doors open she rushes out to open the door to her apartment. It is 3 a.m. and Marzia is in bed sleeping next to Felix and the pugs Maya and Edgar. She opens her eyes and hears a piano playing ”Moonlight Sonata” from the upstair’s floor. She then remembers the old man from the elevator with his music sheet, she smiles and goes back to sleep with the soothing piano music. The next morning she is reading the newspaper while having a cup of coffee, she stumbles upon an article that reads ”10th anniversary of his death” featuring a photo of the old man happily playing the piano with a caption below that reads ”Famous musician dies in a mysterious way in his apartment”. Maria realizes that she had come across the ghost of the musician, then a strike of lighting makes the shadow of the musicians ghost appear behind Marzia.

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I really enjoyed this short animation because of this style, I’ve never really seen anything quite like this: the way the characters are drawn into pieces of paper separating them from the background and how they seem to be moving instead of just being completely stiff, how the movements tend to be slow and not so fast paced like many stop-motion animations. How everything was in a sepia sort of style, I love Netty Scribble’s drawing style it is so cute how every character looks. This video currently has  1,471,934 views, which is great. This short didn’t win awards or anything, because it was just made for her followers to enjoy during Halloween, it wasn’t made for any cinematographic screening or anything of the sort but still a lot of fun to watch if you like cute and creepy things. It is very short but it does have a nice plot, it’s very brief and concise unlike other shorts I’ve seen but it is one of my favorites.

Well guys I hope you enjoyed this review and I will see you soon! Have a nice day!

Also if you’re still on finals week, I feel you’re pain I’m practically crawling my way to the end. I finish on Tuesday (Thank God!). Don’t worry, I believe in you. You gave it you’re all, you did your best and that’s what matters. Take care!