Originally posted on Citizen Sketcher:

I don’t usually show my ‘bad’ sketches.  I often draw on loose sheets of paper, and tear up bad ones right on the spot. So there’s no evidence.

These happen to be in a sketchbook, and this was such a classic incident, I figured I’d post it for you.

Here we have what I’d consider to be a pretty average drawing.  Not very structurally sound. It’s stiff. And it doesn’t even show what’s going on.


I ran into this fellow doing a lampworking demonstration at the Corning Museum of Glass. He’s probably there 9-5, five days a week, doing his thing. But I only had 20 minutes before I had to be somewhere.

I’d found him just as he ignited his jet of flame and started to melt glass. I’m a sucker for a jet of flame. I’ll watch anything on fire.

So I dive right in aaaand – – – terrible sketch right?

Despite the interesting subject…

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