During these past months I’ve been taking an Informatics class named INF103, its part of my curriculum for my Public Relations BA. This class has been extremely different compared to other classes I’m taking at the moment; here we can blog, tweet, use the computer, and of course we have to resume our class to help our classmates. Its amazing how the methods each professor uses with its students affects the way we see and interact in the class. I think this class has been such an amazing experience because it has taught me that I don’t need to do the classic class stuff (like taking long notes, a power point presentation, and long talks) to learn and to have a good time in the classroom. With videos, blogs, Twitter, and other social media platforms this class has been one of the best courses I have taken in the 3 years I have attended college.

On my blog I have published 18 posts, 8 posts are related to my blog, 1 class sum up, and 9 home works. I have 77 total views.

Here’s a list of all the homework that I have published on my blog:

And here’s the summary i made for the class: