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“Waiting On” Wednesday: Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event that was hosted by Breaking the Spine, in which people talk about a book they are highly anticipating. For me this week, that…
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Somos quienes somos

La humanidad a llevado a cabo una amplia investigación, ancestral, cultural, científica, en busca de la verdadera función del humano. Durante largos años el humano no ha sido nada mas…
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Entry #9

(Photo: Two roads diverged, by Anna Richards. CC Licensed) It all started when the protagonist was a little kid. They got lost in the woods on a family vacation and came…
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Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Liked that were in Non-Favorite/Disliked Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, bloggers compile a list compiling ten items that fit a certain topic. This week’s topic…
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Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a photograph of a person or group of people that captures the personality of the subject by using effective lighting, backdrops, and poses. The portrait photography is…
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Wildlife Photography

Wildlife photography is a profession which demands a passion for nature and art. Wildlife photographers make a career of traveling to remote areas and taking pictures of wild animals and…
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