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Opinion: Elizabeth Warren on Pregnancy Discrimination

Welcome Back! As you’ve probably seen, everyone’s talking about how democratic nominee Elizabeth Warren lost her job as a teacher because she was pregnant. At 22, Warren was “visibly pregnant”…
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13 Years Of Taylor Swift

It’s bee 13 years since the debut of her self-title album that made her the star that she is today. Released on October 24, 2006, Taylor was 16 years old…
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#ChileDespertó: La lucha continúa

En exclusiva, chilenos explican qué está pasando en las protestas y animan a sus compatriotas a seguir en pie de lucha. Foto tomada por Rodrigo Elgueta el 25 de octubre…
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The PR Connection Podcast: Episode 11

Episode 11 PRConnection Podcast In which Alan & Antonio deal withstrong cellular deficiency And they talk aimlessly about connection (quite rightly) and other high-level stuff. Hello, planet Earth, do you…
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Hey! I took some time today to produce a quick presentation that will hopefully get you to know me a little better. I made this blog with the intention to…
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Pedacitos de mi

Holaaa! Realice una presentación que consiste en una pequeña autobiografía para que me conozcan mejor. Esta presentación la publique recientemente en SlideShare, pueden verla y acceder a la misma al…
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Get 2 Know me!

So for this assignment we were given the task to create a presentation about ourselves. To be honest it was kind of hard to talk about myself but i somehow…
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Presentation: About Me

Here’s a blog containing a presentation where I tell some information about myself. This slide show will include some basic information like where am I from, what am I studying,…
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This is Laura Hernandez

Como tarea para la clase de #Inf103 el profesor nos pidió crear un powerpoint con datos sobre nosotros. Durante las últimas dos clases el profesor nos dio consejos sobre como…
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Me, Myself & I

Hello everyone I just wanted to say that I created a tiny slideshow for you guys about me in case if u wanted to know a little more about who…
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