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August Favorites #Haul

Favorites of the month and also they are my recent #Haul on beauty. 1-Maybelline-Dream Fresh BB Cream The 1-step wonder for a good skin, Packed with 8 great skin benefits…
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Not only sentimental, college also provides a business relationship that is important to maintain if you want things to go smoothly. Though it’s not an obligation, it is a good…
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Oddly enough I am never excited to go to college. Well it’s not odd, there’s a whole population of people who’d rather do many other things than go to college.…
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Is this for real?

Ok let’s think about this for a second. Are we really meant to be at college or do we do it to please someone else? I will forever admit that…
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Historia del baile

La historia del baile es una evoluciòn que ha tomado forma a travès del tiempo. Desde la prehistoria el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de comunicarse corporalmente, con movimientos…
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¿Què significa bailar?

El baile es un arte que implica al movimiento del cuerpo entero, manos, piernas, brazos, pies, al compás y siguiendo el ritmo de una música determinada, es decir, el movimiento…
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My N64 Game Collection

Just my collection for the N64 game console. For some odd reason though the image has been flipped ;;; Not quite sure how that happened. But regardless this collection of…
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FotografiARTE 2012-09-06 20:01:42

La historia de mi vida ha sido buscar lo adecuado y no he podido encontrarlo. Pero no me daré por vencida ni mucho menos dejare de intentarlo; jamás me rendiré.…
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The Legend of Zelda Cosplay Group Interview

This video was taken by CosplayNationTv during Puerto Rico Comic Con of 2012. Honestly I loved being interviewed cause of a cosplay and am really thankful cause I met an…
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