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Clearly no correct decision is made with doubts; you’re either sure or not. Last night I sat with myself for a long time to think about a few things all…
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¡Bienvenid@ al 2013!

¡Bienvenid@s al 2013! Este portal Web será nuestro hub, nuestro punto de encuentro durante todo el semestre de enero de 2013. ¡Bienvenid@s a Inf 103! Lo que pueden ver aquí…
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All I have to say is:

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: alone, angry, cheat, gone, hurt, mad, sad, sadness, tears
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This morning

This morning I woke up and it was one of those days. I don’t even feel like getting out of my bed. Last night I dreamed about him, a lot…
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I’m tired of this bullshit!

I hate this! Why is his presence so strong? I need this bullshit to stop!! as much as i try to block it all out, it always seeps through. I…
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La intensión de la siguiente pregunta es poder satisfacer a todas las personas. Tendrán una semana para contestar la misma. Take Our Poll
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Me and my big mouth

So I’ve discovered a new talent. Apparently other than for blowjobs my big mouth is exceptionally skilled at talking when it shouldn’t. Today I told my boss that my customers…
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¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Some rights reserved by KatinkaBille Felicidades a todos por este nuevo año. Les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor, mucha salud, amor, paz, armonía y demás. Nuevas oportunidades se avecinan…
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Saddest new year’s to date. I know that was happens in 2012 stays in 2012 but the memories come with you. Today I got all pretty and was cheerful at…
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