Image by lograstudio is under the Pixabay License

As a student, this semester could be defined as “Hell’s Week” since the beginning, for the most part (thank you, quarantine). But as my finals approach, I realized that I learned a lot about my bad study habits and time management. Miraculously, I managed to do well all semester and the stress of Finals isn’t like it used to. Which is a good thing. I decided to give you all a very short list of things to do to prepare for your own Finals, which are already common sense, but it seems that we all need reminding once in a while.

Make a list of every assignment you have, including all due dates and times.
No matter how big or small. Keep yourself organized. It is so important because this is how you keep track of things, and you can plan your day around them.

It will make you feel better, I promise.

Eat healthy.
Be smart.

Don’t pull all-nighters, and if you do, make sure to take frequent naps.

Listen to relaxing music.
This deserves two videos I highly recommend.


Please take care of yourself. Talk to a friend if you feel too stressed. You aren’t alone. Smile often and remember: act confident often until you start believing in yourself.