Hello, so who hasn’t even seen the web? if you are seeing this then let me tell you that you are on the web right now and is really interesting how much a simple word can mean and be.

 In this post, I’m gonna talk about what I do most on the WEB which is not much. I don’t find myself a lot in social media or in the web just listening to music and walking around the house, but whenever I really do use it is to look for inspiration, and tutorials and most importantly I use the web to keep myself informed and to use it at my advantage for my class in the university. Lately with everything going on the web has been very helpful and important for a lot of people in the world, which keeps changing every day. It hasn’t been an easy road for a lot of people and the fact that the web has been there non stop to help and making it a bit easy for everyone it has been a little calm thought the storm that is happening.

The apps that I use the most are YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest why? well because a lot of things that I do I look for information via videos and they help me more than reading about them. Instagram helps me follow the life of my friends and the people that inspire my career and the things that in a way make me believe that this world is not really a lost cause. Pinterest helps me with all the things that I aspire to do in photography to photo-shoots to ideas for a composite, there are some pins and blocks that you organize and make them in some sort of album and I fill them with ideas and expectations.

How much time do I dedicate to the web and social media? Well, it really depends on the things that I do like lately unfortunately is been happening more often than not that I dedicate a lot of time like until 8:00 am to 11:00 Pm because of the virtual classes and the works that I have to do for them.  

Can I live without the web? Yes, yes I can. I think it really depends you know on the fact that in my chosen career I need the web to move but I think that is not an obsession that I have I don’t feel like I’m missing something if i don’t use the web for days or weeks.  Is really interesting that now with everything happening the web became some sort of life-saving thing in our daily lives.

This Instagram has nothing to do with the web but whenever I see things like this when I enter the app it makes me smile and is why I love Instagram so much.

Stay Healthy, stay safe and have a good weekend.
