Informática 103 has been one filled with many creativity and projects. Each one of the assignments done throughout the semester has been one challenging yet entertaining posts on our blogs. This is a list with all my assignments pertaining to this class:

  1. “The Student Journal: The Web and I”:
  2. “The Student Journal: About/Homepage”:
  3. “The Student Journal: Feedly 10+10 Feeds”:
  4. “The Student Journal: Crowdsourcing INF 103 SEC 3”:
  5. “The Student Journal: Privacy and Security”:
  6. “The Student Journal: Final Project Assignment”:
  7. “The Student Journal: Social Bookmarking”:
  8. “Coding”: In this assignment, we played a came through to learn about the ways one could code online.
  9. “The Student Journal: Final Class Evaluation”:

Throughout the semester, when this website was created until this day, I had a total of 33 views, 21 visitors and 1 like. Let’s hope these results only keep rising!

Regarding the class, it is observed that the same tries to teach different aspects of the material, taking into account some of the things previously worked on. On the other hand, the class has appropriate teaching materials for the topics and concepts addressed, which enable the transmission and understanding of my knowledge. These are very dynamic classes, since we always try to do different activities, which allows me to become motivated by the teacher’s proposals. I also highlight the teacher-student relationship, and I could say that it is favorable for the development of the class. There is a certain trust between the teacher and his students, which allows a certain dialogue between them, raising doubts and making explanations. Teamwork is highly favored, so the students and I can value and take into account the different opinions and work done. Finally, I could say that the teacher tries to enhance the creativity and forms of representation of my classmates and I, because it gives us some freedom when working on the proposals, incorporating some of our knowledge and experiences.

Two of the things that I most loved about this class was the final project and the assignment on coding. Each of the homework’s that we got to do were all exciting and different, but if I had to choose between all of them, I would say that coding and the final project has made me learn new tips and tricks I wouldn’t have ever experienced if not for this class. I enhanced my knowledge on how 3D Printing has made an impact in todays society and how coding creates a big effect on the internet/web. My expectations on the classwork and the dynamic with the professors teaching exceeded my expectation. These new attributes that I have obtained in the class will be used for other future classes.

There are so many tools I have learned in this class. Characteristics such as: advancing my research analysis, finding new resources of information, editing and having a broader understanding on privacy in the internet. These perceptions help me more understand the importance on how the web influences on today’s society and college students lifestyle.

One thing I would change about the class would be the way the professor sometimes communicates the information. Sometimes when someone is talking non stop, it can be boring yet insightful. There is always room for improvement. With this being said, I hope that this constructive criticism can be of good use to the professor and to the other classmate who want to take this class. While finishing my last post, I had to complete a cuestionare on my reviews on the class. Here is a screenshot of the proof of the results.

Hope you enjoy!